Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How To Solve Pyttsx3 Error in Python in June 2020

How To Solve Pyttsx3 Error in Python in June 2020

I have got many comments in my previous post that how to solve Pyttsx3 error i tried their way i have also got error but when i again tried my own way i didn't got any error so i thought to discuss it with you all . Well in the starting of my carrier i also had got a lot of trouble in dealing with modules and i don't want it happen with you .So, lets begin with the solution 


1) First of all you have to understand that Python's latest version(Python 3.8.3) is   not compatible with Pyttsx3 latest version or your system is not compatible with   Pyttsx3 latest version .

2) Uninstall pyttsx3 that you have installed on your system using pip using this   command ,
                               pip uninstall pyttsx3

3) After uninstalling pyttsx3 on your system we ready for the further process to   begin so lets move ahead .

4) Now, we need to download pyttsx3 but its older version so that i might be         compatible with your system there is no issue with the older version it woks perfect   i also use it and believe me it is the only solution for this problem i have researched   for 4 Days continuously on it i didn't found any other solution .We have to wait for   Python's latest version to be compatible with pyttsx3 .
 So , this is only solution for problem like this.

5) Go, to the terminal of your IDE you are using for Python and enter this command  ,

                             pip install pyttsx3==2.7         

6) Now , Pyttsx3 version 2.7 is installed on your system now you can run it on your system   and it will surely work .If your it is also not compatible go for lower versions that are suitable   with you Python and System .

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